Hues of Blue

Having always lived in Cape Town, standing seaside instantly uplifts my mood. For me, it comes down to the freedom of rolling waves crashing down and the smell of fresh air, together, they make me feel wonderfully content. I can stare at the consistency of waves for ages, getting hopelessly lost in my thoughts.

I was in a bit of a mood throughout this particular day, albeit to say, I have no idea why or even what kind really, just feeling a bit of the winter blues I guess… It goes like that sometimes, I think everyone gets into a mood every now and again, not the kind that’s anything to write home about, just the kind that puts you into a funk.

Needing a bit of sun and sea to illuminate my mood, I turned to Kalk Bay. Its welcoming atmosphere and eclectic mood made for the perfect pick-me-up. I’m out of words for today, but I will say that adding a chunky necklace to your winter wardrobe is a must. It will give you a bit of sparkle, without too much effort from your side.

Happy Wednesday everyone, have a beautiful day!

Jacket – Studio W; Sweater – Studio W; Shirt – Woolworths; Jeans – Zara; Boots – Zoom; Necklace – Utopia (Available at Zando)

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